Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Lost? Or Not Lost Generation "Y"

The lucky fewers and the lost generation “Y” (“Y” Is A PUN)

This country was built on old school values: work hard and prosper.  

I am 46 years old and a product immigrant parents. I am also an early Generation “X”er,  born between 1965 and 1982.  My generation is pretty much coming to an end, but still retains the old school values taught to us two generations before; the lucky few- 1929-1945 and the greatest generation that ever lived (1946-1964).  All three generations could communicate and share values to some extent. The basis of understanding of what make the world go round never left us. Most of my generation grew up, got jobs, had families - pretty much made our mark and moved on.  
Generation “Y”:  A total separate generation. They are far and away from any generation ever produced.  In many ways, they can be admired. They want to build their own world, but what values will they follow?  Justin Bieber? Miley Cyrus?
The values that the last three generations followed are not followed by generation “Y”  (1980 to present). How did this happen?  Who is at fault?  In my opinion, there are many factors: perhaps my generation didn’t pass on the message.  Perhaps technology - in an age of smart phones,  internet  and ipads information is at their fingertips 24 hours a day.  The way they get their information dictates how they see the world. If it's not on social networks, YouTube or Facebook, iPhone, iPad I don't get it, and how many 60-70 year olds do you know even use any of those services or products.  Too bad for them, they are missing a lot of life lessons, in world of techno the information should be vast, instead it's limited to whatever life lessons they can learn from reality shows making what this new generation thinks, feels and understands limited Stupid me, my generation use to look through card catalogues in a place called a library to learn.
It’s safe to say generation “Y” is the “now” generation: they want everything now! They want all the world’s prizes with the least amount of effort. My generation played with that idea but we didn’t live there.  They live in a world of entitlement whether they want to admit it or not.  
I’m sure every generation that has ever existed has said the same thing to the generation that came after them. But never before has there ever been a generation where the world they live in is already built all the worlds have been conquered; in every category everything is theirs just for the taking. Excess is the order of the day. The faster the better.
I was 20 years old when I first got my hands on a portable cd player I thought it was the coolest thing I ever saw and heard. My level of amazement could be compared to Neil Armstrong’s awe of walking on the moon.  Before that we had records. Big black flat plastic round objects that I had to physically put on a machine called a phonograph and physically place a needle on and wait to listen to music. Remember that Gen Xer’s?
Oh! One more thing I had to get my ass to a store to buy one!  Today, we open itunes and get our music by pressing the download button.  Wait a sec! This is the generation of entitlement why pay for it? Lets steal it! Remember Shawn Fanning?  He’s one of the heroes Generation “Y” produced.  He came up with the concept of legally getting something for nothing and hypnotized a generation into believing it was ok to just take music and not pay for it.  See what entitlement thinking will do for you?
There are no shadows of those immigrants that came off  the boat and built this country from nothing;  when Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty stood for something? When give me your tired, your hungry,  your poor was a quest we sought instead of some lyrics to a new song Miley Cyrus came up with.  As each generation moved on, slowly, we forgot the ultimate dream of just having a new job, a new life in the new world. Entering an age of entitlement that, sadly, maybe my generation contributed to.Perhaps to the point where we don’t understand our children.  
What can we do to stop this madness?  We need more time with each other. Remember back when we were children we sat at the dinner table with our parents  and grandparents and told each other stories? At 6pm everyone knew it was time to eat, no television, no Ipads, no ipods no techno of any kind. Just people sitting around at the dinner table laughing, sharing,  discussing, and sometimes arguing…. but - communicating.  
Perhaps the answer for this new generation “Y” is communication.  Even today’s techno entitled whizkid should know that the greatest ipad ever invented is Mom and Dad.  There are no batteries, memories cards, downloading, or even searching. Just asking, listening and soaking up.  If that’s too hard for them, maybe our generation should do a reboot. If we don’t, 80 years values may be lost on generation “Y”. The  Idea of a work ethic will be lost. Perhaps with this simple move we can move the next new generation to really think for themselves. Imagine just by communicating to grandpa they can learn the meaning of life. Maybe there’s information in his head that’s not on the internet.
Which leads me to the final question: what’s generation “Y”’s plan for the future?  Do they have one? Pretty soon the entitlement lifestyle will come to an end. We may soon have to realize that if don’t wake up generation”Y” there will not be a generation”Z”.  Almost all of the lucky “fewers” born in the U.S. are long gone. There are still some out there. They, more than likely, look at these fresh faces of the future, possibly, not as people; but aliens from another planet.  It begs the question?  If I, a 46 year old man feels this way about the future, what do people over 70 think? Or does it matter to them at at all.  They did create the world of values for which my generation will ever be so grateful for.
I’m just sorry I may have had a hand in screwing it up.

How Much Is Too Much?

As human beings we should consider the idea of excess and greed. How too much ‘want’ can destroy a person. I just watch the movie, “The Wolf of Wall Street”.  Films like this seem to be the trend. They reflect the times in which we live. I notice human beings have a tendency (and its a good one) to step back and take a look at themselves, see what's wrong, and try to fix it.  One problem, however,  that we never seem to fix: human beings are, by nature, hungry creatures, whether we want to admit it or not.  We want more food, more liquor, more drugs more sex, a better job, a prettier wife;  never happy or satisfied with what we have.  

The idea "I can do better" -  why do we say it? Do we say it to ourselves for ourselves? Or do we just want to show off?  Keeping up with the Jones’ has never really been a cultural phenomenon, but a fact since the beginning of time.  Giving in to any one of these excesses obviously has consequences.  No matter how many times we experience it  ourselves, or see it we never seem to grasp the lesson.  Life gives us the options and its up to us to make the choices. Maybe those options presented to us are there for some other purpose.  

Secondly, why has no one ever figured out a way to have those options without the excess?  Why can we not easily just say, “Stop! I'm happy!”.  We are people who can think, we are not animals.  Maybe the idea of excess and greed will stay around until someone figures out how not to fall prey to it; that we
can have our cake and eat it too. Time and again, life lets us see what can happen to us when we give in to our own hunger: Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, and more recently;  Phillip Seymour Hoffman. They lived lives of excess to some degree. Justin Bieber - the perfect victim or maybe he's a victim of an unattentive parent. I don't know.  Already, most of us are thinking, “this kid’s going down”.

Maybe too much success too soon is a drug in and of itself. Maybe its a message telling us we should not have too much…. that there is a point. Maybe those people went past that point and they are a lesson we should learn? I’d like to believe you can live with the Jones’s that have that pool in their backyard, without feeling resentment or wanting to best them by getting a bigger pool.  Even highly educated, people fall prey to their own greed.  Remember Elliot Spitzer, governor of New York?  If he had stayed on track, He may have become president, instead, he fell prey to a prostitution ring and we watched him squirm on TV losing his edge with the American people.  

Now we have  Barack Obama.  Ironically in the world of politics excess and greed seem to take center stage. President Obama is now being viewed on CNN, Fox News as being a man who will not listen.  He is intent on having his own way.  Even at the cost of the American people’s needs, he did says "I Have a Pen, and I have Phone"  Most of us, who don't think much of the political world to begin with, watch all politicians slowly rise and quickly fall.  We do it as if it’s entertainment. We can't wait to see these people fall prey to their own excess, and save  every video of "I'm sorry” and upload it on YouTube for the world to see, just because its better entertainment than ‘Duck Dynasty’ and ‘Toddler's and Tiaras’.  We watch those videos over and over again and laugh. We wait for the next tragedy to be entertainment until they become Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Michael jackson, Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston.  

I'll lose all hope for humanity if we laugh when that happens. So far I'm glad we don't.  I just wish we would learn our lesson.  In The meantime, life goes on. There are more stories to tell; perhaps lessons
we will never learn. Maybe I will never learn!  Maybe we should check YouTube and watch Justin Bieber and Laugh!  Right now, when we watch the news, we see pictures of Bieber smiling as he is arrested for drunkenness, speeding, vandalism and who knows what?  One things for certain: this kid’s got too much!

Right now I’m laughing! I’m sure some of you are too!  But will we be laughing later? Or are we going to reinvent the system?  Or at least say, “Stop!  I'm Happy!”

Right now I look out the window and see a beautiful sunset and a red Ferrari parked outside the neighbor's house,  I like the Ferrari!!!!! Excess! Always Excess!

The good news is I don't own a Ferrari!  But I want one! Dont you!!?? Isn’t Time to watch youtube again?